The Conservatory Difference
Traditional College
Studying at a Conservatory is different from traditional colleges and universities. In the traditional collegiate model, students select a major and minor which creates a degree map of courses they must complete. Then they can choose their courses each semester based on the degree map and chart their own path to completion. Students have the flexibility to study part-time or withdraw from a course if they feel the semester load doesn’t suit their current work schedule. It’s like ordering from a traditional menu at a restaurant.
The Conservatory model is like choosing the prix fixe menu at a high-end restaurant. Chefs perfectly pair flavors and textures, layering dishes in an intentional order to create an ultimate dining experience. At BCA we have structured our curriculum to optimize training and development of craft. You can't opt-out of certain classes, go down to part-time, or swap courses out for others. It's a fixed course load. At BCA our goal is to develop artists who will work in the industry with professionalism, excellence, and dedication to craft, while exhibiting the character and compassion that comes from a dedicated relationship with God. Before you apply to Bethel Conservatory of the Arts we ask you to consider the costs.
“Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it?”
5 Costs to Consider
Spiritual | Emotional | physical | time | financial
Spiritual Cost
There is a spiritual cost to attending BCA. We expect our students to continue to grow their existing personal relationships with God. Your investment in your spiritual growth brings prosperity and wholeness in all areas of your life. This looks like spending time with Jesus outside of school and learning to engage with Holy Spirit in your craft. It’s also important for our students to attend a weekly assigned church service and to participate in a weekly “Revival Group” with other BCA students and our pastors on staff. We expect our students to adhere to the values and guidelines laid out in our Statement of Faith/Code of Conduct agreement.
Physical COST
There is a physical cost to studying at BCA. We require strength training and fitness courses 4 days per week on top of dance and movement classes. Despite a rigorous course load, you will need to prioritize getting enough rest so your body can recuperate as well as making sure to feed your body the fuel it needs to be at peak performance.
Depending on the program you enroll in, BCA classes can take about 35 hours per week, with an additional 10-15 hours of homework and rehearsal time on top of that. It is more than full-time. Most students also have night and weekend jobs which makes the time commitment even more intense. Conservatory students have a singular focus. Their commitment to their education is the number one priority.
Creating art is vulnerable. The reason we develop technique is to avoid using or accessing personal trauma to authentically portray a character. However, cultivating that technique inevitably affects your emotions and triggers past experiences. Students have to learn to navigate the continual emotional engagement, which requires stamina and stability. Our goal at BCA is to develop emotionally healthy artists with excellent training. Students are expected to learn how to control emotions, to separate a role/character from their present self, and to have done enough restorative work that their past is able to stay in the past. With that said, we deeply care about our students’ emotional and mental wellbeing and have full time pastoral staff available to help students get to new breakthroughs.
Conservatory education is an investment in a product you expect to make a return. Just like how real estate is a good investment because it’s value continues to increase, education is the same. Students who respect the investment and stay mindful of the cost while in school take full advantage of the opportunities in front of them and leave school with incredible income producing potential. It all depends on the way the student chooses to steward the investment.
2022-2023 Bethel Conservatory of the Arts
Tuition and Fees for Incoming Students
*All pricing is subject to change.
B.A: Acting
Program Cost: $27,600/yr.
Music Theater Area of Focus is an additional $2600/yr ($1300 per semester)
Estimated Supplies: $500/yr. (not including laptop)
Certificate: Acting
Program Cost: $14,750
Music Theater Area of Focus is an additional $2600/yr ($1300 per semester)
Estimated Supplies: $500 (not including laptop)
Certificate: Dance Program
Program Cost: $14,750
Estimated Supplies: $500
Creative Leadership Certificate: Screenwriting
Program Cost: $14,500
Estimated Supplies: $500 (not including laptop)
Program Cost: $14,500
Estimated Supplies: $500 (not including laptop)