Bethel Conservatory of the Arts exists to train and equip professional artists--creative revivalists who release God’s Kingdom through story, movement, and emotion. Through our Spirit-filled teachers, curriculum, and environment, we will equip a generation of bold and strong storytellers who partner with the Presence as they train and perform. Our approach is threefold:
Partnered with Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry, we equip actors and dancers to create from their identity, not for it. Our goal is to raise up storytellers-artists who align with Heaven as living, moving expressions of the Kingdom.
Excellence isn’t just what we do; it’s who we are. Engaging our craft through traditional and experimental techniques inspired by the Holy Spirit, we create a safe space for students to take risks and grow in God’s Presence.
Our artists perform to transform. Building on a foundation of secure identity and excellence in technique, we equip actors, filmmakers, screenwriters and dancers to extend the Kingdom of God beyond the studio and stage and into the world.
Core Values
Abba | Relationship | Transform | Identity | Serve | Testimony
Everything begins and ends with our Heavenly Father, the Alpha and the Omega. We’re creative because He is. We’re artists because He is the ultimate artist. It all began and begins through an intimate relationship with Him. And in the end, more than anything we create, what matters is our intimacy with the Creator, our Father. (Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6)
Just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have been in eternal relationship, so are we, the Kingdom artist, called to be in relationship with God, ensemble and audience. We train as artists to posture ourselves to create and perform out of relationship, in fellowship with the artists we work with and those who come to share in our work. We are not set apart
from them but for them.
Entertainment isn’t enough. As Kingdom artists we perform to transform -- people, cities and nations. Transformation is the inevitable and natural byproduct of an encounter with Jesus. And we owe the world an encounter. (John 4:4-26, Acts 9:1-19)
Kingdom artists perform from identity not for it. We are who He says we are: sons and daughters, made in His image. We are carriers of His Presence, His promises written on our hearts. And out of the abundance of heart the mouth will speak, the pen will write and the body will move. (Genesis 1:27, Matthew 12:34, 2 Corinthians 3:3)
As Kingdom artists we are servants not celebrities. We are called to serve -- the audience, our fellow cast members, the story, our character, choreographer and director. Jesus came to serve not to be served, who are we to offer any less. (Matthew 20:28)
The two most powerful stories you will ever tell are the gospel and your testimony. They are the only two stories that have the power to move a human soul from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. All great stories are simply an echo of His masterpiece. (1 Thessalonians 1:5, Romans 1:16, Revelation 12:11, 19:10)